1:1 Functional Nutrition and Mindset Coaching

This is for the powerful woman who knows what she wants and is ready to get it.
In this 3 Month (minimum) container, you will work privately with Angela to achieve your glow up.
Together we will transform those nagging thoughts of worthiness around body image, self-worth, relationships and life in general.
Over the course of our time together we will bring you back to self-love, confidence, radical self-responsibility, radical self-awareness and emotional intelligence. We will do this while simultaneously taking your power back around a nutrition plan that is personalized for you, and a focus on fitness for life.
As a certified functional nutrition practitioner we will deep dive into your gut health, hormonal health and immune health. We will take a new approach to food and fitness based on where you are currently, your overall goals, and your history.
You will get:
1. Train with Angela, my online training program and/OR unlimited classes at Pick-Fit
2. Personalized nutritional guidance from a functional nutrition perspective with a holistic health context.
3. Weekly 1 hour zoom sessions to release the old and integrate the new
3 Months Minimum
Investment: $1500 or 3 monthly payments of $550
(This payment does not include additional functional lab testing or supplements that may be recommended.)
Or invest for a full year for $6000 or $550 per month. Payment options at the bottom of this page.
1:1 Functional Nutrition and Mindset Coaching 1 Full Year
Meet Corianne Perrino

Meet Rebecca Cassidy
I started working with Angela one year ago. I initially came to her feeling down on myself and looking for guidance on fitness and nutrition with the hope of losing some weight. While I have been steadily achieving those goals, what I really gained is so much more. I am on a wellness journey and by taking the time and effort, with the tools Angela has provided me, I am feeling the healthiest, strongest, most “free” version of myself I have ever known. When you explore the deeper reasons for the decisions you make and the feelings you have towards yourself, you become ready to heal those parts and that is where the real progress starts to happen. I am happier with myself at 40 years old then I have ever been. It’s never too late to change your life and your muindset. This change in perspective has improved all parts of my life. I’m so happy to be doing this work!